simply asking "what do you see?" can elicit surprisingly insightful responses.

this is a collection of some of these insights that i've encountered while teaching at an art museum and in the community.

newer entries come from a new program called "the art of looking," that brings mobile art galleries to disabled adults and children.

just a reminder, the entries do not reflect personal commentary on art pieces or collections.

integrated dis/abled summer camp - ages 9-11

The Old Guitarist - Pablo Picasso

what do you see?

camper 1: "i see a dead man playing a sad song."
camper 2: "i see a humble man."

what do you see that makes you say that he's humble?

camper 2: "he's wearing raggedy clothes, but he's still playing music passionately."

camper 3: "i think you should turn the painting the other way.  it makes better sense like that."

"like this?"

camper 3: "yeah, now he looks relaxed and not so sad."

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